Monday, October 14, 2013

Audience, Key Conventions, What I have learnt.

During this preliminary activity I have learnt lots of different media terms for example Media Language, Media Institutions, Media Audiences, Media Representations. I have learnt the key conventions of an effective masthead. Learnt Denotation and Connotation, I can now create a professional magazine front cover and contents page, I can also analyse a magazine front cover in detail and binary opposition (Complete contrasts that exist within media texts in-order to construct a narrative for example good and evil, Happy and Sad, day and night) I have learnt how to layout a front cover or contents page and use different font sizes for emphasis. The four big media concepts are Media Communication Through Language, Language is everything the media uses to communicate - Photos, camera angles, costumes, and style of music as well as boring old words. Institutions companies and organisations that create the media.
Audience of a media product are the people who watch, read, listen or play that media product.
My Audience for this magazine will be ages 12+ as year 7's start at the age of 11 also teachers will be reading this magazine to know what is going on in the school too. My primary audience for this magazine will be 11-19 year old students and the secondary audience will be staff, parents, Governors.
Media Representations involves the way that events, Ideas and different people are presented in a way of Media. This could possibly be represented through websites, news, films etc.
Media audience are all the people who will read, watch or listen to specific media. Radio/Podcasts, TV adverts/ Programmes, Newspaper/Magazine article.
Media institution defines as an established, profit based organisation, Distribution of advertising.
Best example of this has to be ITV or any company that advertises and provides useful information to their customers.Media language consists of  how a text is portrayed to the audience. Media language works through the signs and symbols.

Photos. (Planned Photo Shoot)

Most of these shots are close ups which is probably the best for a front cover. This was a photo shoot and I took the best photos from the photo shoot and displayed them here I had planned to take a pictures of at least three candidates smiling with a plain background. One outside mid/close up shot for effect, & one mid shot.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Contents Page

This is my contents page finished. The first picture is with guidelines and the second is without guidelines.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Media Terms

Masthead - The logo of a magazine usually in a large font and bold to attract some readers, it is usually very few words or numbers to keep it simple. For example ‘Q’ ‘NME’ ‘XXL’

Headlines – A headline has a large title which is usually the main article of the magazine and is often linked to the picture on the front of the magazine.

Layout - The structure of the magazine front cover.

Pull quotes and Lure - quotes that have been taken from the magazine's articles to attract the reader/audience and make them read the full article.

Sans-serif style font - a font that does not include hooks, brackets and feet.

Serif style font - A font which includes hooks, brackets and feet.

Coverlines - Text which show the smaller content of the magazine, which is a smaller font than a headline.

Pug/ starburst - a shape or symbol with text.

House Style - The layout of text (Fonts & Style), pictures and colour theme

Visual Syntax - the way in which the readers eye is made to follow through the a page, it can make you focus on one side of the page.

Straplines - Headlines in smaller font.

Magazine Front Cover 2

Magazine Cover 2. This could be improved by re-sizing my image and altering the text I have put on.

Q Magazine Analysis

This is my first magazine cover analysis on Q magazine I have highlighted all the relevant and important headings discovered on this magazine.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Contents Page Layout One

Contents Page Layout One
This contents page has one main image which would be a picture of a student then a pull quote about that student, Column of information about another article. Image 2 would be another student but in a smaller size. Heading column is the headline's information.

Key Conventions for a Contents page

Key Conventions For A Contents Page:

Columns - A type of layout to attract the reader/audience.
Structured Layout - Chronological layout to make it easier to read and stand out.
Title - A heading for the page to show the audience what the magazine is.
Pull Quotes - Quotes from the magazine to get the reader's attention.
Headlines - Headline of the magazine to show he most important topic in the magazine.
Page Numbers - Page Numbers for the magazine so the audience can go through and find what they want.
Colour Scheme - Colour scheme according to your front cover to make it look professional.
House Style - Keeping the same style of layout and colour for professionalism.
Issue No. - Issue number of the magazine.
Categories - Catergories for the information.
Font Size - Different font sizes for emphasis, Bigger font is more important and smaller is least important.
Information (Blurb) - A bit of information explaining the magazine to give the reader an idea.
Pictures - Pictures for/about the magazine giving the reader an idea.
Caption - A caption for the magazine to explain what is in the image shown.
Banner - A banner showing some information about the magazine it will add professionalism.

These are all the key conventions for a contents page.